(nate) Ben, it was great to meet you on the #omenbackdoortour, tell us a little about yourself. Age, Hometown, Years Skating, Years Shooting Photos, Dietary Choices, Favorite Place to Skate?
(ben) It was so nice meeting you, too. Thanks so much for letting me cruise with you guys on this trip. I am 21 years old from Chula Vista CA, I have been skating 4 years and counting. I have been shooting photos for 4 month's and counting. Plant Base Dietary for me. Favorite spot for me will be Blacks Beach and Backside Mesa.
(nate) How did you end up making it onto the Back Door Tour? How was it riding in the van with the guys? Any highlights from the trip you were on, any hilarious stories?
(ben) I did hit you up originally for a spot in the van, and I was so stoked when you told me I could hop in with you guys because I was able to attend one of the most raddest events out there, Giants Head, and it was my first time in Canada. Now I have accomplished one of my goals of this year thank you, Nate.

Group Photo at Secondary Inspection, Canadian Border. Ben on the far right.
Nwest Media Photo.
(nate) You originally hit me up for a spot in the van to attend Giants Head Freeride, and we were stoked to have you join in! I was stoked to see you excited to grab your camera and hop up into a bush to snag some photos, and that seemed to be a highlight of my time with you. Trying to figure out where you were going to take photos from. What is your methodology when shooting photos?
(ben) I feel the pictures give a bigger impact when the person doesn't know where the photographer is going to be and it makes it look more lifestyle and candid.

Nick Hanson sunset slides, as Ben shoots from the shrubbs.
(nate) Do you like shooting photos more or skating more? Or do you like the balance of being able to choose between the two?
(ben) I like to balance out both it helps me frame up spots in my head when I am going down a hill so that when its time to take pictures I will remember where I saw a nice spot to get some shots. I never stay in one position when taking photos, I always be on the move.

Ben gets sideways next to Chambers Bay Golf Course. Photo by Aero.Media.
(nate) What did you think of some of the hills that we went to besides Giants Head? Did you enjoy the Washington terrain?
(ben) The hills out there, are nothing like the hills out here in California, pavement wise we skated some nice chundah love hills that I was not use to. But I really enjoyed them a lot.

Staying under the Money Trees at Giants Head, Ben snaps Rain Daley focused.
(nate) We skated in alpine deserts, RainForests, High Mountains, and Urban Sprawl. Where was your favorite spot we skated?
(ben) All the spots were amazing to skate, Washington has a nice variety of hills plus the weather out there is so nice.

Standing in a Tree proved to provide an awesome angle of Nate Blackburn skatin for "Bad Dad #2" at the University of Washington.
(nate) Where was your favorite spot to shoot Photos?
(ben) Favorite spot was at the University of Washington and the other spot was the one with golf area next to the ocean.

Aero.Media perched and waiting for a rider, as Ben stalks his pray from the bushes.
(nate) Do you think you would come back for another Van Trip?
(ben) i already booked my vacations for next year hopefully they approve me and if theres a spot in the #mobileruckus looking forward into another Van Trip.

Bon Fire in from of the Cribb Bomb during Giants Head Freeride. Nwest Media Photo.
(nate) Finally any shoutouts? Or thanks that you want to give?